Theme Translate

Translate Using Poedit (.POT file)

Poedit is easy to use open-source program available for Mac OS X, Windows and UNIX/Linux.

  1. Install Poedit.

  2. Open Poedit and go to File -> New catalog from POT file and select the POT in Theme Folder -> languages folder.

  3. A catalog properties box will pop up asking for information about what you are translating. Enter the language you want to translate here.

  4. After you hit "OK", you’ll be asked what you want to name your translation file. The name is important and there’s a particular format you will need to follow. For example, if you’re translating Español, the file should be named es_ES.po and for a translation for the Français would be fr_FR.po Check out the GNU 'gettext' utilities to find your language and country codes.

  5. Save your file in the languages folder of the theme.

  6. Now you can start translating the strings you want. Poedit has a simple and straightforward interface that doesn’t involve a steep learning curve. The space at the top will display all the text ready to translate, and any completed translations will display to the right. The boxes underneath show the source text you’ve selected to translate, your translation and any notes for translators. Translating a line of text is really easy – just select a word or phrase, enter your translation and click "Update".

  7. When you’ve finished translating, simply save your file. Poedit will automatically create both .po and .mo files in the theme’s languages folder.

  8. Now that the theme has been translated, you can upload it to your WordPress install either using FTP or by logging into your WordPress site and uploading your theme by going to Appearance -> Themes -> Install Themes (after you’ve zipped theme again, of course).

Translate Using Loco Translate

Loco Translate is the best plugin to translate WordPress themes and plugins directly in your WordPress dashboard.

Setting the Language of WordPress

Change the default language to make the translation feature can work. Navigate to Settings -> General -> Site Language to see the option. Changing this option tells WordPress you want to use translation

That’s all.

Last updated